Category: Videos

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Funny Arcadia Commercial

Added by 10 years ago

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I don't have much use for pumpkin ales, personally, but I do enjoy a funny commercial regardless of product.

Imperial Russian Stout Returns!

Added by 11 years ago

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Everybody's (Well, my) favorite cellaring bear is about to get its 2013 release.  Look for the Imperial Russian and the Espresso varieties to begin appearing on Monday, April 15th.  Make sure to buy a couple extra for...

Creepy beer is creepy (and probably delicious)

Added by 11 years ago

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This thing definitely wins the award for most disturbing namesake that I'm aware of, but it also sounds incredible.  Anyone in Texas want to ship me a bottle? The second release in our Legendary Series, La Dame du La...

Open beer faster

Added by 11 years ago

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Sometimes you just can't open it fast enough, I guess. Some say this is nothing but a frivolous toy.  Try going to a patio bar in New Orleans the weekend that Abita Strawberry comes out and then tell me it's pointl...

Alchemist FAQ

Added by 11 years ago

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Check out this amusing and informative video from John Kimmich of Alchemist Brewing. It's a shame that Heady Topper isn't nationwide yet.  I've only managed to have one in my life so far!