Or something like that.
To the extent West Sixth in any way represented that Magic Hat filed a frivolous lawsuit, that Magic Hat initiated litigation improperly, that Magic Hat was unresponsive in negotiating a resolution, that Cerveceria Costa Rica was itself involved in the dispute or its resolution, that Magic Hat claimed ownership of the numeral 6, that Magic Hat sued West Sixth after West Sixth had already acceded to its demands, that Magic Hat has no Vermont presence, or that Magic Hat sought to recover for or enjoin West Sixth from truthful public statements, such representations are retracted. West Sixth regrets that it in any manner communicated any inaccuracies, and hereby corrects those errors.
So it would seem that West Sixth just apologized for dragging them through the mud, thus somehow clearing the quagmire implied in the case of Nuh-uh v. Take-backsies. It would also appear to imply that some unspecified designed concessions have been made by West Sixth.
For background info, you can find our coverage of the whole debacle right here.
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