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New documentary series on San Diego beer from PBS

Added by 9 years ago

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It's called "Kings of the Craft".  Check out the trailer above. Debuts this Thursday, May 21st at 9pm on PBS stations and will be streaming online the following day.

Super Bowl Beer Commercials (All of ’em!)

Added by 10 years ago

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We previously posted about what will likely be one of the most-enjoyed commercials of the year--and you can see the actual commercial above. But if you just can't get enough advertising in your life and you just ca...

Newcastle has some Super Bowl Ad Weirdness

Added by 10 years ago

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The adorable Aubrey Plaza requests your brand's help in branding some brandage. In other words: Newcastle is continuing with its befuddling strategy of convincing people that a beer available in basically any estab...

Hop-motion animation

Added by 10 years ago

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I'm gonna go out on a limb and insist that this is THE BEST stop-motion animation short film involving a beer bottle that you'll see ALL WEEK! Seriously--it's a fine project by Matija Juršić that is worthy of your ...

Video: Training your Palate

Added by 10 years ago

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For any novices out there, or even those that just want to learn a little bit more about what they're tasting or how to taste--this is a thorough video from a Certified Cicerone from the BrewReviewCrew channel on Yout...

(NSFW) Hipsters Love Beer

Added by 11 years ago

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I'm guilty of looking like these jackwagons on occasion--just with less-ironic attire.  Get as pretentious as you want with your beer--just please do it with a smile instead of a hipster sneer.

Triumph at the Great American Beer Festival (NSFW)

Added by 11 years ago

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Not triumph as in victory. And not Triumph Brewing Company...or...Victory Brewing Company, either. Wait what? Err... ...You know, the dog with the cigar that makes fun of everyone on Conan! This is 7 minutes of ...

Guy finds his house plumbed with beer

Added by 11 years ago

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This hilarious prank speaks for itself, and you can watch the hilarity in the video.  It's rare that you see folks as utterly dedicated to pranking a friend.  It almost brings a tear to the eye.

Tallgrass “Tactical” Cans

Added by 11 years ago

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The new (awesomely named) "Zombie Monkey: A Post-Apocalyptic Robust Porter" will feature a textured grip on the side of the can. has the full scoop. "I dreamed this beer into existence," said Tallgrass...

Snake Bite ad fills your funny bone with its deadly venom

Added by 11 years ago

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Taking their cue from the absurd comedy of the popular Old Spice commercials, the brand-spankin'-new brewery from the bay area has a video almost guaranteed to go viral.  It certainly appeals to the target demographic...